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Screen and Media: Home

Screen and media headerFilm Negative by geralt. Used under Pixabay Terms of Service.

Welcome to the library

The aim of this guide is to highlight the library resources you can access from the campus libraries and online.  We also collect websites, video and tools that are relevant to your study. 
We hope you find these pages a useful starting point for your study.

Although we provide featured library resources you can find many more by using the catalogue search box at the top of the page.

All of the ebooks, streaming video, databases and tools are available 24/7 and are accessed using your TasTAFE login.

We are here to help! 'Library Chat' is available weekdays and you can use the 'Ask The Library' button to ask questions and we will email you the answers.

Digital visual effects and compositing

Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 release

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom classic CC : 2019 release

Adobe After Effects : 2020 release

Setlife : A guide to getting a job in film and keeping it.

The health and safety guide for film, TV, and theater

Running the show

Location sound bible

Film marketing

Producer to producer







Code Library Answers Reuse