Chemical SafetyStreaming video - The safe handling and storage of all chemicals regardless of where they are used requires a commitment by everyone to follow safe work procedures. The realisation of the risks and an ongoing program to minimise the hazards will reduce accidents and make your workplace a safer workplace. RUNNING TIME: 15 Minutes
Fertilizers: Soil-Plant-Nutrient RelationshipsThis series presents the interdisciplinary topics of fertilizers and soil fertility. Soil science, chemistry, botany, physics, economics and mathematics all play a role in the strategic use of fertilizers. This four-part series provides a wealth of information on the essential topic of soil fertility. It explains the relationships between soil, plants, and nutrients and shows many practical techniques used to accurately and economically apply fertilizers - website
The Hazchem CodeStreaming video - This program has been produced to explain the Hazchem Emergency Code, what it means, why it is important in chemical safety, how it is calculated, and how a good understanding of the Code can help in preventing serious consequences of chemical accidents. RUNNING TIME: 18 Minutes
Herbicides and Pesticides—Workplace Health and SafetyStreaming video - Herbicides and pesticides are designed to kill organisms, thus making them extremely dangerous for humans. Therefore, it is important to handle them correctly in order to reduce the risk exposure. This program highlights how harmful exposure to herbicides and pesticides can occur, the symptoms of exposure, and risk control measures. After watching this program, you will have learned: • How harmful exposure can occur • Symptoms of exposure to harmful chemicals • Risk control measures • Types of personal protective equipment (PPE) • The importance of reading the label and/or Safety Data Sheet. Run Time: 04:38
Safety Data Sheets: An IntroductionStreaming video - Safety Data Sheets can be very challenging to read and understand but they do contain a wealth of information. Having an ability
to properly interpret them will make it easier to arrive at informed decisions regarding the use of hazardous substances. RUNNING TIME: 11 Minutes
Safety Data Sheets Important TermsStreaming video - The Safety Data Sheet is the internationally accepted basis for supplying sound written scientific information on hazardous substances. Safety Data Sheets provide essential information that includes details on how to use substances safely without harmful effects to people or the environment. RUNNING TIME: 10 minutes
Spills - Prevention and ManagementStreaming video - In workplaces where hazardous chemicals are in use, spills are one of the biggest safety concerns. Chemical spills can be a great danger to individuals in the workplace, as well as to the broader environment and public. It’s up to those working with chemicals to ensure they don’t have a damaging effect. This program examines the effects spills can have, as well as methods for prevention and clean up. RUNNING TIME: 10 minutes
Notify WorkSafe TasmaniaYou must notify WorkSafe Tasmania if any of the following incidents have occurred in the workplace:
a death, or someone suffers a serious injury or illness, or a dangerous incident, someone contracts certain infections or occupational zoonoses. The Work Health and Safety Act 2012 defines a 'dangerous incident' as a workplace incident that exposes a worker (or any other person) to a serious risk to their health or safety including an uncontrolled escape, spillage or leakage of a substance, an uncontrolled implosion, explosion or fire or an uncontrolled escape of gas or steam - website
Spray Drift and Reporting IncidentsInformation on the reporting of chemical spray drift or off-target movement of chemicals provided by the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE)