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Visual Arts: Copyright

Creative Commons Video

Visual arts-copyright-Books in the Library title box

Books in the Library

Three Book Gallery - **This page**

Music and the law


Click on image for information

Animals : 1419 copyright-free illustrations of mammals, birds, fish, insects, etc. : a pictorial archive from nineteenth-century sources

Heinemann media

Motion graphics : principles and practices from the ground up

Click on image for information

Understanding Intellectual Property

Creating the perfect design brief : how to manage design for strategic advantage

Australian Business Law 2015

Plants : 2400 copyright-free illustrations of flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables
Ready-to-use stencil designs : 902 different copyright-free designs printed one side
Australian media law
The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism
Understanding Plagiarism and its Consequences
Plagiarism What Do You Value?
Plagiarism education and prevention : a subject-driven case-based approach
Cite them right: the essential referencing guide