Foundation Skills Services logo by TasTAFE.
If you need help with your reading, writing, maths, digital, or study skills, ask your teacher to refer you to TasTAFE Foundation Skills Services. We provide small group and 1:1 tutoring to help you get the skills you need, when you need them.
Stuck on something?
Need a teacher to take you through it?
We’ve got you!
Get individual help with digital skills, reading and writing skills, study skills, maths skills and job seeking skills. All the general foundation skills you need to be a successful TasTAFE student. A Skills Boost session can be done face-to-face at any of our campus libraries or online. Click the button below to book a session at a time and location that works for you. Skills Boost sessions are for all learners at all levels. Everyone is welcome!
Core Learning provides regular 1:1 tutoring with a foundation skills teacher to target the skills you need, to be successful in your course. We will work closely with your teacher to ensure all tutoring is focused and aligned to your training and assessment schedule. Core Learning can be done at any campus library or online. If you are finding aspects of your course hard to get through, please speak with your teacher and ask them to refer you to Foundation Skills Services for Core Learning.
Are you finding some of your course tricky? Are some of your classmates feeling the same? Supplementary Learning provides quick, small group sessions for those in a class who may be a bit rusty and need extra help to learn what’s needed so they can stay on top of their training and succeed. We will work closely with the teacher to ensure our sessions target exactly what the group needs to meet course training and assessment expectations. Sometimes, a bit of extra practice is all that’s needed to keep learning progressing. If you and your classmates think this would help, please speak with your teacher and ask them to refer you to Foundation Skills Services for Supplementary Learning.
Basic Key Skills Builder
Bksb is an online tool for TasTAFE students to help improve skills in literacy and numeracy. This includes access to a diagnostic assessment and a range of learning resources. Improving your skills will help you increase your opportunities to succeed in courses, future application to courses, and in the workplace.
For first time users of bksb click here for the user guides: bksb User Guide (PDF) or bksb User Guide (Word)
You can contact us for more information about bksb.
To find out more about these learning resources, and getting the most out of bksb while at TasTAFE, download the document Student Guide-Making the Most out of bksb below: