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Ethics in Palliative Care : A Complete Guide
No specialty faces more diverse and challenging ethical dilemmas than palliative medicine. What is the best way to plan ahead for the end of life? How should physicians respond when patients refuse treatments likely to be beneficial, or demand treatments not likely to be? Who makes medical decisions for patients who are too ill to decide for themselves? Do patients have the "right to die" (and, if so, what exactly does that mean)?In this volume noted palliative care physician and bioethicist Robert C. Macauley addresses a broad range of issues from historical, legal, clinical, and ethical perspectives. Clinically nuanced and philosophically rigorous, Ethics in Palliative Care analyzes hot-button subjects like physician assisted dying and euthanasia, as well as often overlooked topics such as pediatric palliative care, organ donation, palliative care research, and moral distress. Drawing on real cases yet written in non-technical language, this complete guide will appeal to both medical professionals and lay readers.
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Ethics and Legal Concepts in Nursing Introduction
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Whenever newspapers or other media carry stories about the public's perception of the level of ethics associated with various professions, nursing always rates very highly. Nurses deal with people, and often those with whom they deal are highly vulnerable. Nurses have a duty of care to patients, and their profession demands ethical behaviour and treatment of those in their care � at all times. This programme explores ethics in nursing, with reference to the Australian Code of Nursing Ethics. It defines ethics, and explains why it is critical that nurses know about ethics and the standards of behaviour that are demanded by their profession. It also takes a look at what ethics are not, as often there can be confusion in people's minds about exactly what defines ethics. It examines various types of ethics and how they impact on, and play out in, the nursing profession, and features two experts � Sue Hunter from La Trobe University's Division of Nursing and Midwifery, and Registered Nurse, Sally Heads. This programme is essential viewing for any nurse in training � either at university or other post-secondary institutions. It also is ideal as a professional development tool for a range of health care institutions, clinics and care facilities. It was produced with the assistance of the residents and staff of Residential Aged Services' Willow View Aged Care Facility in Pakenham, Victoria.
Ethics and Legal Concepts in Nursing Consent
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To protect patient's interests in health care, principles of informed consent have been developed to ensure a person's right to decide the type of treatments they are prepared to receive. Patients see themselves as active participants in their health care and health care professions support this involvement. Informed consent not only protects the patients' rights, but also those of nurses and other health care professionals, from possible legal ramifications. It is a complex area, and one that can present medical professionals, including nurses, with ethical dilemmas. If consent is given (or not) by a patient or by a patient's partner or family member - and abiding by their wishes places their life or health in jeopardy - what do you do? In the world of health care, procedures can be risky and invasive. Expert health care knowledge means that there is the potential for a power imbalance in the nurse/patient relationship. Furthermore, the advancement of health care knowledge and technology relies on research, which often requires patient involvement. This programme looks at consent in health care through the dramatised presentation of two case studies.
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