Before you begin: Setting up your ID Card
Look for the card scanner attached to the printer and tap your TasTAFE student ID card
You can use any student printer on campus
First time only:
Note: you can log in without your card, enter your TasTAFE username and password in the format above
You need enough credit in your account for your printing to be successful. Students will receive $5 at the start of their course. Once this has run out, you will need to purchase more
You can purchase print credit through the Library at Burnie, Campbell St, Clarence, Devonport and Drysdale South, or through Client Central at Alanvale. Payment is by card only.
To add credit to your account using a voucher:
If logged into a TasTAFE computer, your printing balance window is displayed:
Click the Details link on the balance window
You can also access your account through the User web interface
Note: The voucher is valid for single usage only. Recycle or dispose of the voucher after use.
Printing and Photocopying
Note: Printing double-sided is the same cost as a single-side
Scanning to Email
No Charge
Note: You cannot print from your own device, you must be logged into a TasTAFE PC or Laptop
Note: Please collect your original from the paper feeder or under the glass
Note: Please collect your original from the paper feeder or under the glass