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Help: Printing and Papercut Help



Before you begin: Setting up your ID Card

Look for the card scanner attached to the printer and tap your TasTAFE student ID card

You can use any student printer on campus

First time only:

  • Tap your card on the card scanner and log in with your TasTAFE username in the
  • Press Next
  • Enter your TasTAFE password 
  • Press Associate
  • You should see a success message
  • Tap your card again.
  • You should now be in your printer queue
  • From now on, all you need to do is tap your card and the printer will remember you.

Note:  you can log in without your card, enter your TasTAFE username and password in the format above

  • If you need assistance, please ask Library staff to help you
  • If your card is unable to connect to the printer, please see Client Central on your campus to arrange a new card
  • If you lose your Student ID card, other people can use your credit to photocopy. Please see Client Central staff and they will get the card removed from your account and issue you a new one


Printing Credit

You need enough credit in your account for your printing to be successful. Students will receive $5 at the start of their course. Once this has run out, you will need to purchase more

You can purchase print credit through the Library at Burnie, Campbell St, Clarence, Devonport and Drysdale South, or through Client Central at Alanvale. Payment is by card only.

To add credit to your account using a voucher:

If logged into a TasTAFE computer, your printing balance window is displayed:

Click the Details link on the balance window

Printing balance window

You can also access your account through the User web interface

  • You will be asked to login using your TasTAFE username(e.g. firstname.lastname.00) and password.
  • In the left menu, click Redeem Card.
  • Enter the number from the voucher. Enter it exactly as shown on the voucher including capital letters and any dashes (-).
  • Click Redeem Card. The value of the voucher is immediately added to your printing balance.
  • Click Summary from the left menu and check your balance to confirm the voucher's value has been added to your account.

Note:  The voucher is valid for single usage only. Recycle or dispose of the voucher after use.


Printing Costs

Printing and Photocopying


  • Black & White - $0.05
  • Colour - $0.15


  • Black & White - $0.10
  • Colour  - $0.20

Note: Printing double-sided is the same cost as a single-side

Scanning to Email

No Charge


  • After tapping your card, you will see the device options screen
  • If you are happy with what you have sent through, you can hit Print All at the top and your printing will begin




  • If you are unsure what you have sent or need to delete an item, you can click Print Release. Here you can see what you have sent and delete any you don’t want printed. You will not be charged for printing if you cancel from this screen. When you are ready, press Print and your printing will begin

 Note: You cannot print from your own device, you must be logged into a TasTAFE PC or Laptop 



  • Tap your card on the card reader or enter your TasTAFE username and password
  • Place your pages in the paper feeder on top of the machine as directed, or under the glass face down
  • Press Device Functions

  • This will bring up your PaperCut Printing balance
  • Press Use Device Functions

  • Click the X in the top right-hand corner

  • Click Copy

  • Here you can select the number of copies paper size, two-sided, staples, colour, and scale your photocopy up or down. If you are unsure which settings to use, please ask library staff

  • When you are ready, press Start (the big green button)
  • If you realise a mistake has been made after copying begins, press Stop (underneath the Start button)

Note: Please collect your original from the paper feeder or under the glass



  • Tap your card on the card reader or enter your TasTAFE username and password
  • Place your scanning in the paper feeder on top of the machine face up. Make sure you remove all staples
  • Press Scan on the screen

  • The scanner is programmed to send the scan to your student email account.
  • Press settings if you need to change anything. PDF is the recommended file type
  • When you are ready, press Start Scanning

  • Log into your student email. If you don’t know how to do this, please ask Library staff or follow the Accessing TasTAFE Email handout
  • The sender of the email is your name and the subject line will be Your scan (Scan to My Email)
  • If the email doesn’t appear in your inbox, please check your Junk and Other folders

Note: Please collect your original from the paper feeder or under the glass