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Enrolled Nursing: Infection Control

Featured Books, eBooks & Tools

Available to Nursing students through Clinicalkey

  • Infection control in clinical practice, Wilson, 2018

Some relevant titles available in the library

Clinical skills and fundamental nursing texts also contain a lot of really useful information about Infection Control

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Gale interactive science


This tool goes beyond just flat text on the page it is a highly visual tool that allows you to interact with 3D models so that you can understand the structure and features of the system you are examining whether it is a virus cell or the human heart.The tool also provides text to support your learning.  The wide subject areas covered are biology, chemistry, earth science and human anatomy.

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Infection Control in Health Care Facilities

Professional Bodies

Basic Infection Control for Healthcare Providers
Microbiology and Infection Control for Health Professionals
Fundamental aspects of infection prevention and control
Skills in clinical nursing
Essential clinical skills: enrolled nurses

Aseptic Technique

Hand Hygeine

PPE - Personal Protection Equipment




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