Exceptions under the Copyright Act means that teachers and students can copy more information for educational purposes than they can for any other purpose. TasTAFE also pays copyright owners under Education Licence B of the Copyright Act for the use of their material.
There are limits to the amount of material you can copy under these provisions. If you need to copy more you must get the copyright owners permission.
About Openverse
Openverse is a creative commons search tool, it retrieves both audio and image results. All of which, can be sorted by the license and attribution types: public domain, CC0, CC BY-SA, etc. This particular site also generates the attribution statement for you, how cool is that?
Attribution statement information
The attribution statement can be found in the ‘Credit the creator’ box on the right-hand side under the image.
You have 3 options for copying the attribution depending on where it needs to go. Currently, the options are: rich text, HTML and plain text. Generally, the rich text option will be your go-to.
Rather than downloading a document to make available to your students, think about providing the link. When you link you are not copying so copyright does not apply.
Want to use a video? Is there an embed code provided? You can use this code to play the video in your PowerPoint or online. Embedding provided code is not copying so copyright does not apply.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons (CC) licences were developed to allow creators to share their work more easily. CC licences allow the creator to give people the right to share, use and build upon a work. The creator can also decide if people can use their work for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
Open Educational Resources
OER are teaching and learning materials that are free for anyone to access, use, adapt and share. They can include any format or type of resource, include things like textbooks, curriculum materials, learning objects, interactive media, games and more. OER can be complete courses or single learning objects.
Public Domain
Seventy years after the creators death copyright ends and the work enters the Public Domain. Creators can also place their work into the Public Domain, this is often done using the CC0 licence
Once a work enters the Public Domain you are free to use it without limitations. Unlike CC, works in the public domain do not require attribution. As with anything you use for educational purposes, it is best practice to label the material.
The libraries are here to help you with copyright:
Library staff have developed a downloadable handout explaining the educational exceptions you can use as a TasTAFE teacher.
You can also access the Introduction to Copyright Canvas course. This short course explains the basics of copyright, shows you how to attribute resources in your Canvas courses and provides information about the use of different types of works.
There is also information for staff on INFOcus and information about Academic Misconduct can be found in the Policy and Procedure Hub
Under our Statutory Licence, if the source material is electronic, you are able to copy and communicate. For Educational Purposes. If you are not sure if your use is allowed there are many alternatives to copyrighted images you can find some here.
.You can find links to a number of image sites that offer free for use, Public Domain and/or Creative Commons images on the 'Images, Video & Music' page here.
Music & Sound
TasTAFE has a new music licence as of January 2021. This new blanket licence means that we no longer have to purchase individual licences for different areas and events, such as:
Copyright Alternatives
You can find links to a number of image sites that offer free for use, Public Domain and/or Creative Commons images on the 'Images, Video & Music' page here.
You are able to:
TasTAFE no longer holds a Screenrights Licence. This means that we can not record TV programs and show them in class. The libraries existing collection of TV recordings are still available for educational use.
You can find over 2,500 streaming videos through the search box at the top of this page and more sources of video on the Finding Information page.