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Teachers: Subject Specialists

A collection of resources for TasTAFE teachers.

What is a Subject Specialist?

The Statewide Library Team has been divided into
Library Subject Specialists to support all delivery teams.
This includes:
  • Liaising with statewide delivery teams
  • Keeping their Subject Guide up-to-date
  • Sending out regular industry-specific blog posts
  • Staying up to date with eTas' and the units/clusters taught
  • Resource selection for library purchases of State-wide resources

Where do I find my Guide?

Find your guide by going to the front page of the Library Website and clicking the drop-down menu in the box under Subject Guide Search. Select the guide you want and click Go

Or find your guide in the Subject Specialist list below

Who is my Subject Specialist?

Click the name of your subject specialist to send them an email. Click the name of the subject area to go to the subject guide

Click below to search our Library Catalogue 
for resources that support your teaching and learning

Library Presence in Canvas

The way you teach has evolved, so the library has evolved too. By having a presence in canvas, Libraries can help in your online classroom. So, what does a library presence in Canvas look like? Your subject specialist can upload your subject guide into your Canvas course. Watch the video below to see how this can happen for your students.

General Guides: Useful for all students and teachers

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples


English Language Service

Foundation Skills

Training and Assessment

Workplace Health and Safety

Library Help Desk

You can use the Library Help Desk portal to make requests of your Subject Specialist


Subscribe now!
Each Subject guide has a blog attached to it. To receive regular industry and course-relevant blog posts, go to the blog tab on your guide and enter your email address into the Subscribe box on the right-hand side of the page